Tuesday 13 September 2011

Further Development 2

 I have moved my building as it needs to be in a space which is reflective of the actual space on the triangle therefore I moved it to a space where the change in gradient was more obvious and it is now placed in between buildings.

But since I rotated the building, my scripts don't work anymore as the script for the prims to 'move' are in a different direction.  So I will have to spend more time re-scripting everything which would not have been necessary if I had chosen the right place for my building in Secondlife from the start.

These are the textures I have chosen to use for my building.  I have used these textures as dark colours running with my idea of beginning from a dark space and creating light.  I have made use of my first texture has been taken from my laser cut model.  The second texture has been made with the idea of a lattice in mind which was taken from the facade of my building in the animation workshop. Although it is a different style of lattice where the lines aren't smooth and curve, i has been created with the same idea in mind.  
The images below have been capture from a perspective viewer however it has not been completed yet so the textures and the spaces will be slightly different.  But from these images we can begin to see the idea of the building beginning from darkness (as shown in the first image below) and then beginning to manipulate light and allowing natural light to enter the building through slits created in the spaces. 

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