Monday 19 September 2011

Augmented Reality - Workshop 4

For the next two weeks I have the last workshop out of the four.  This weeks workshop called augmented reality has the main task of constructing the 1:1 section (construction detail).  This weeks idea is gifting and we have to come up with a link of something to do with gifting and share it on the Digital Carnival Facebook page.  We looked at the artist Ben Heine who creates sketches in context of a place and is then photographed in the same place. The two images below are some of Ben Heine's work.

Augmented drawings are a quick way of sketching ideas in which we want to convey without having to construct it and there can be many variations made which can be worked on quickly or taken time.  For the Wednesday we have to produce two augmented drawings.  One will be our Secondlife building photoshoped in and the other will be an augmented drawing.  As well as the two drawings we must come up with an idea of gifting as well as bring 3 materials that our building could potentially be made out of.  This week we are developing the building that we have created in the previous workshop.

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