Saturday, 13 August 2011

Development of Animation 2

Idea of spaces interlocking- representation of connection and the coming together of people just like how everyone is connected in producing the food.  Creating a communal eating space where everyone can feel included and a sense of community.

 Expanding on the size of the site.  There was already a restaurant in the apartment block next to my chosen site so I know that the communal eating space must be a place that will give people a reason to go there other than other places.  It must provide a eating experience unlike the ones around.

In the images below I have expanded my site so that it involves a greater area.  I want to include my design within the already existing architecture so it doesn't just build around it but interacts and builds through it.  Going through the buildings give people a reason to eat there as it is connected to places nearby.

The crosses below are all different colours and are representations of people and lines are connecting them all together to show the relationships between people within a community.  It doesn't necessarily have to be apartment blocks in which people need access to a restaurant/eating place in order to sustain but also any other office buildings nearby have been included, even possibly people who are just in the park.

 Expansion of idea of showing interlocking plaforms which resemble jigsaw pieces of various thickness to cut through buildings.  Changes in level give variety and a change in space eg. type or style of buildings that are being connected.  There is a change between the two connecting buildings.
 Below: Idea of tables at which people can come to eat.  It is a round table which everyone can sit around. Round table allows for easier and better communication.  In the centre is a large cooking table similar to the japanese teppanyaki - the way they cook in which they use a iron girdle so this circle in the middle would be a large cooking plate.

 Space is kept quite natural even though the platforms resembling jigsaws are very artificial.  Provides a contrast and reminds us that the food we come to use are produced naturally.  The grid created resembles a grid of crops growing.

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